Curly-haired human. Clearly.


I’m Erica Cenci, and I’ve got New Jersey in my blood, New York in my heart, and the performing arts on my mind. No joke - I can make up a song about my cat anytime, anywhere.  Born early in the morning the day after Christmas, 1980-something, I came into this world demanding attention. As soon as I mastered walking and talking I immediately started directing my family, planting myself firmly on the only stage I knew — the ledge in front of the fireplace. I started taking dance lessons when I was three, and the rest is herstory.

I have always been able to connect quickly with animals and children (that could be why I was hired to play a cat four times, a child three times, and a bird one time), and I am very proud to be a teaching artist, working with children of all ages. Making magic by myself during the peak of the pandemic was challenging and rewarding, but I am truly at my best when in a room surrounded by other wonderful collaborators. 

I can’t wait to work with you.


  • I have always had a cat as a pet, and they’ve all been tuxedo cats. Follow @therealsullycat.

  • The first R-rated movie I ever saw was Speed.

  • I have only seen the Eiffel Tower from the cockpit of a plane. Ask me for the full story one day…

  • I really enjoy reading mystery novels.

  • I have visited every state except Alaska and New Mexico.